1、 Keep the equipment clean and free of debris, and ensure proper hygiene.
2、 Ensure that the circuit is unobstructed, there are no missing items, the neutral and live wires are not short circuited, the wiring is good, and the electrical components are intact and undamaged. Regularly inspect the electrical circuits.
三,開齒刀盤 壓刀盤正常使用,無缺損無變形。
3、 The toothed cutterhead and pressure cutterhead are used normally, without any defects or deformation.
4、 Use the machinery and equipment according to the operating procedures, and do not use them in violation of regulations.
5、 The mechanical moving parts are often lubricated to avoid working in a long-term non lubricated state.
6、 Daily maintenance, regular maintenance, regular inspections, and precision checks are comprehensively guaranteed for maintenance.

7、 Work content, methods, tools and materials used, standards achieved, and precautions for neatness, cleanliness, sturdiness, lubrication, corrosion prevention, safety, etc.
8、 Promptly resolve any issues and do not use the machine while working with illness.
9、 Ensure that there is no air leakage in the air circuit, the air circuit is unobstructed, and the air system always maintains lubrication without foreign objects.